#39 - Escape From Alcatraz: The 1962 Prison Break Conspiracy (REDUX)
Welcome back to this homecoming edition of SUPER MYSTERY BROS as we revisit the case of the 1962 Alcatraz Prison escape. Did the three inmates John Anglin, Clarence Anglin, and Frank Morris make it across the San Francisco Bay and on to a new life full of sunshine, smiles, and margaritas? Or did th...
#38 - 2024 Super Mystery Bros Halloween Mystery Mystery
Join Ivan and Nate on this special Halloween mystery mystery. Tighten the waist strap on your Huggies for this one, as this episode is sure to scare the crap out of you. https://www.salon.com/2015/03/12/%E2%80%9Cthe_bowel_movement_bandit_is_creating_a_horrible_mess_for_akron_police/ https://n...
#37 - Whatever Happened to Maura Murray?
Join Kyle and Nate as they dive into the enigmatic case of Maura Murray, a 21-year-old nursing student who mysteriously disappeared in New Hampshire in 2004 shortly after wrecking her car on a snowy road. This episode delves into the circumstances surrounding her disappearance, exploring theories r...
#36 - The Florida Skunk Ape
If The United States were a 90’s sitcom, the state of Florida would be known for nothing if not being the Kramer of states; a kooky neighbor who is always getting into something wacky. But for the better part of a century, Floridians from all over the state have reported seeing a strange, giant a...
(COMING SOON) Super Mystery Bros Phase II: Electric Boogaloo
Bigger. Better. BOLDER. More Bigfoot. More King of the Hill. More of the Universe's Greatest Mysteries. You will be SHOCKED and HORRIFIED by what you hear next.
#35 - The Westfield Watcher
What if your dream home turned into your worst nightmare home? For the Broaddus family, their 2014 purchase of 657 Boulevard in Westfield, New Jersey, turned into nothing short of a shared nightmare. Just days after purchasing their idyllic new home, the Broaddus family began to receive a s...
#34 - The 300 Million Yen Robbery
In December 1968, Tokyo witnessed a crime that continues to baffle authorities, armchair detectives, and neckbeards nearly 60 years later. A cunning young man decided that the world was his, and hatched a genius plan – a plan so bold, that some would even call it stupid. However, its brazen natur...